Remember the Tamagotchi craze, when you had to have your own little virtual pet? Remember how quickly
it died out? And remember the cute little Pocket Pikachu virtual character from
Pokemon? Ever
think it was a shame that the Sailor Senshi never got commercialized in Tamagotchi form? If you
answered "yes" to any of those questions (and even if you said "no"), relive the era of the virtual pet
with Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi!
That's right! This page is dedicated to Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi. Below are the features I would
include on each 'gotchi if I could make them, even if the number and size of those features would be
unfeasible. It's my imagination, and I can do whatever I want. Thanks to my anonymous friend who made
the super cool Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi.
Notice: Please do NOT use these images on other
Stats: Harukagotchi has several statistics so you can monitor her life.
- Happiness [Five Hearts]. Harukagotchi is happy when she's doing the things that she loves
and when you're playing with her.
- Intelligence [Ten Bars]. Don't let Harukagotchi become your average dimwit 'gotchi.
- Health [Five Bars]. How healthy is your Harukagotchi? The less healthy she is or the sicker
she is, the lower her health meter is.
- Hunger [Five Bars]. Harukagotchi has quite an appetite. Feed her to keep her stomach from
rumbling, but be careful not to overstuff her or she'll get a tummyache.
- Talent [Ten Bars per skill]. Harukagotchi can develop a number of different talents and
skills to awe all of her family and friends.
- Disclipline [Ten Bars]. Harukagotchi, though she is as wild and unpredictable as the wind,
nevertheless must still be relatively obedient or you won't be able to make her listen to you.
- Senshi Power [Ten Bars]. Harukagotchi's senshi form is Sailor Uranus. This meter measures her
strength and power as Uranus.
- Senshi Forms: Haruka gradually gets new forms as Sailor Uranus. She starts off as Sailor Uranus,
then becomes Super Sailor Uranus, then Sailor Star Uranus, and finally she reachers her ultimate form,
Eternal Sailor Uranus.
- Love [Ten Hearts]. How much does Harukagotchi love Michirugotchi?
Studying: Every 'gotchi needs to go to school, and Haruka is no different (except in the
anime). Make sure she studies daily, or else her Intelligence will suffer.
- Math. Here a scene is shown of Haruka learning math with her Sensei.
- Reading. Haruka reads a book.
- Geography. Haruka studies a map with Sensei.
- May not want to study. If she doesn't want to study, be careful. Rewarding her for not studying
makes her disobedient in the future.
Sanitation: Gotta keep Harukagotchi clean.
- Bathroom. We all gotta go sometimes. Harukagotchi will get an uncomfortable look on her face
if she needs to go.
- Bath or Shower. Harukagotchi alternates between a bath and a shower. Sometimes Haruka will
enjoy a bubble bath, at other times she'll want a quick wash in the shower.
- Brush Teeth. You don't want Harukagotchi to get any cavities.
Health: A healthy gotchi is a happy gotchi.
- Clean up. If you don't use Bathroom in time, Harukagotchi will make a mess and you'll have to
do the dirty work.
- Pills. Sometimes Harukagotchi will become ill if she's eaten too much, gets a random virus,
or has spent too much time without you making sure she's clean. Give her pills if this happens to
improve her health.
- Injection. All 'gotchis need their check-ups.
Sleeping: Harukagotchi needs to get her rest. At a certain time each night, Harukagotchi will
have to go to bed (this grows later as she gets older). Help her get ready for bed by having her
shower and brush her teeth. When you're ready to put her to bed, turn off the lights.
- Lights on. Lights go off. Night night.
- Lights off. Lights turn on. Morning!
Games: Games are meant to amuse Harukagotchi and to strengthen her happiness and obedience to you.
- Pick the side Haruka picks. If you pick the side she picks, she becomes happy.
- Rock, papers, scissors. Lose to her in at least two out of three games and she'll be happy.
- May not want to play. If Harukagotchi is grouchy and disobedient, she may not want to play.
Special: These are her special skills you can have Harukagotchi develop. Make her more rounded and
involved in activities and have her improve her skill.
- Piano practice. Music lessons.
- Race car driving. Future F1 Champion of Japan.
- Track. Fast as she goes there, matey.
- Special interaction if connected with Michirugotchi <3
- Harukagotchi may not want to do any of her specials, like practicing the piano.
Food: When it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner, choose what to feed Haruka. Sometimes you have to
make her eat food she doesn't like too.
- Salads: Haruka's favorite food.
- Hatio: Fermented soybeans. Harukagotchi hates this.
- Ice Cream: Dessert.
- Candy: A treat, but don't feed her too much.
- Apple: Another snack.
- Meat: A variety of meat for Haruka to eat.
- Veggies: Leafy greens and the like.
- Rice: The staple food of Asians everywhere.
Senshi Training: Here you develop Harukagotchi's skills as Sailor Uranus. To activate, have her
transform when she gains her henshin stick. She gets the henshin stick if she's happy, healthy, fairly
intelligent, and fairly obedient. Have her practice her different moves so she can become a good senshi
and power up.
- World Shaking. Her initial attack.
- Space Sword Blaster. Uranus obtains this after becoming Super Sailor Uranus.
- Space Turbulence. Uranus gets this attack after becoming Sailor Star Uranus.
- Diving Gaia Crash. Uranus gets this attack after becoming Eternal Sailor Uranus.
Battle Mode: The Battle Mode pits Sailor Uranus against other linked Sailorgotchis. It can only
be used after Harukagotchi gets her henshin stick.
- Each senshi has ten hit points. The stronger the senshi compared to the other plus power-ups,
the more hit points each attack takes away.
- Destructive Carnival. This is Uranus's desperation move, only applicable in battles.
Special Interaction with Michirugotchi: Harukagotchi beeps if she's near a Michirugotchi.
Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have to improve their relationship, and you play Cupid.
Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have a special hookup device.
- Date. Haruka and Michirugotchi go out on one of many dates:
- Dinner. A romantic candlelit dinner for two.
- Movies. A casual date, good for initially building up the relationship.
- Theatre. For the refined Harukagotchi.
- Park. They go for a walk in the park.
- Dancing. Hopefully Harukagotchi doesn't trip over her own feet.
- Gifts. Harukagotchi can give Michirugotchi several gifts:
- Flowers. A classic gift.
- Candy. Yum yum.
- Ribbon. A pretty ribbon to tie up Michiru's hair.
- Jewelry. Aquamarines are a girl's best friend.
- Clothes. Michirugotchi likes looking pretty.
- Make up. Michirugotchi loves collecting cosmetics.
- Stuffed toy. What girl doesn't like a cuddly plushy?
- Write Michirugotchi poetry.
- Call Michirugotchi on the phone.
- Write Michirugotchi a letter.
- Super Special Interaction. This only occurs after Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have
developed a strong enough relationship. When you select this option, the lights go out and you
hear beeping. The more beeps, the more happiness. Less beeps, Harukagotchi loses happiness. If
you can't figure out what this is, then maybe it's for the best. Don't overindulge Harukagotchi
with Michirugotchi in this interaction, or else she'll start falling in other areas. Plus it might
make Michirugotchi unhappy.
Miscellaneous Stuff: Other things to note.
- Clock: Harukagotchi comes with an internal clock that you can set.
- Life: This tells you how many days Harukagotchi has been living.
- Sound: Here you can turn the sound on or off. There are lots of cool sound effects on
- Lonely: As a gimmick to get you to buy Michirugotchi as well, if Harukagotchi never
meets her soul mate, she'll grow lonely and sad and unhealthy. For the love of God, don't let
Harukagotchi be unhappy! Get her a soulmate!
- Death: Harukagotchi will die if her health is kept at zero for too long. She can
also die from depression if you overly neglect her. Don't be abusive!
- Reset: Reset your Harukagotchi.
Stats: Michirugotchi has many different statistics that each apply to different areas of
her life. The better these all are, the longer Michirugotchi will live, and the happier she'll
- Happiness [Five Hearts] Michirugotchi is happiest when she's doing the things she loves,
when you're playing with her, and when she's over all doing well in her 'gotchi life.
- Intelligence [Ten Bars] Can you even imagine a stupid Michirugotchi? I didn't
think so.
- Health [Five Bars] Michirugotchi needs to be kept healthy so she'll have a long life.
- Hunger [Five Bars] Michirugotchi may be a delicate eater, but she still needs meals three
times a day. Don't overfeed or underfeed her.
- Talent [Ten meters per skill] Help Michirugotchi improve her various talents and skills.
- Disclipline [Ten Bars] If Michirugotchi is disobedient, she won't listen to anything you
- Senshi [Ten Bars] Sailor Neptune is Michirugotchi's senshi form; she also needs to become
good at being a senshi.
- Senshi Forms: As Sailor Neptune, Michirugotchi gains new powers and power-ups as she becomes a
better senshi. Her other forms are Super Sailor Neptune, Sailor Star Neptune, and finally Eternal Sailor
- Love [Ten Hearts] Michirugotchi's girlfriend is Harukagotchi, but they don't fall in love
overnight. (Well, in the anime they might, but still.)
Studying: Even if Michirugotchi is naturally intelligent and bright, she needs to keep her
studies up or she'll turn into a no-brained 'gotchi.
- Math. Math may be the tool of the devil, but Michirugotchi must learn it anyway.
- Reading. Michiru reads a book under the watchful eye of her Sensei.
- Geography. Michiru learns the countries of the world with Sensei.
- May not want to study. If she doesn't want to study, be careful. Rewarding her for not
studying makes her disobedient in the future.
Sanitation: Michirugotchi likes being clean.
- Bathroom. When Michirugotchi needs to go, she'll get an uncomfortable, disturbed look
on her face. Don't make her wait! She can't hold it forever, you know.
- Bath or Shower. Alternates. Cute little Michirugotchi likes taking her bubble baths
but sometimes feels a shower is more appropriate.
- Brush Teeth. Keep Michirugotchi's teeth clean, bright, and free from cavities.
Health: Michirugotchi needs to stay healthy.
- Clean up. Don't make yourself have to clean up after Michirugotchi. Let her use the
bathroom when she needs to go.
- Pills. Whenever Michirugotchi is feeling sick or ill, give her some pills and she'll
feel better.
- Injection. Keep Michirugotchi healthy by giving her check-ups.
Sleeping: Michirugotchi needs to sleep too. At certain times in the evening, it will be
time for her to go to sleep (this grows later as she gets older). Help her get ready for bed
by having her take a bath, brush her teeth, and change her clothes. When she's ready to go off
to dreamland, turn off the lights.
- Lights on. Lights go off. Good night, Michirugotchi. Pleasant dreams!
- Lights off. Lights turn on. Ohayo!
Games: Michirugotchi likes playing games. Having her win strengthens her happiness and her
loyalty to you.
- Pick the side Michiru picks. Your objective is to pick the side that she picks two out
of three times.
- Rock, papers, scissors. If you want Michirugotchi to be happy, lose to her two out of
three games.
- May not want to play. If Michirugotchi is sick, unhappy, or disobedient, she may not
want to play with you.
Special: Michirugotchi has many talents and skills she can learn or improve. Make her a
better 'gotchi by spending some time each day in one or more of these areas.
- Violin practice. Music lessons.
- Swimming. Michirugotchi likes the water.
- Painting. Show Michirugotchi's artistic side.
- Special interaction if connected with Harukagotchi <3
- Michirugotchi may not want to do any of these, such as practice her violin.
Food: Michirugotchi eats three times a day, though you can also feed her snacks anytime you
want. Michirugotchi has food she both likes and dislikes.
- Sashimi: Michirugotchi's favorite food.
- Kikurage: Michiru's least favorite food.
- Ice Cream: Dessert or a treat.
- Candy: A treat, but don't feed her too much.
- Apple: A healthy snack.
- Meat: Yum yum.
- Veggies: Fresh leafy greens and other vegetables.
- Rice: Michirugotchi likes rice just as much as the next 'gotchi.
Senshi Training: In order to activate this mode, Michirugotchi needs her henshin stick so
that she can transform into Sailor Neptune. She gets her henshin stick after a certain period
of time when she is fairly happy, healthy, and developed. After she can become Sailor Neptune,
spend time with her training so that she can increase in strength and gain power-ups.
- Deep Submerge. This is Sailor Neptune's first attack.
- Submarine Reflection. Neptune uses this attack with her Deep Aqua Mirror; she can only
use this after becoming Super Sailor Neptune.
- Submarine Violin Tide. Sailor Star Neptune's attack.
- Splash Edge. Once she becomes Eternal Sailor Neptune, Michirugotchi can use this attack.
Battle Mode: The Battle Arena is only operational after Michirugotchi becomes Sailor Neptune
and only works when she is linked up to another 'gotchi.
- Each senshi has ten hit points. The stronger the senshi compared to the other plus power-ups,
the more hit points each attack takes away.
- Dragon Rise. This is Neptune's desperation attack
that she can only use in Battle Mode against other senshi.
Special Interaction with Harukagotchi: Michirugotchi beeps if she's near a Harukagotchi.
Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have to improve their relationship, and you play Cupid.
Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have a special hookup device.
- Date. Michirugotchi and Harukagotchi can go out on one of many dates:
- Dinner. A romantic candlelit dinner for two paid by Harukagotchi of course.
- Movies. What movie should you go see?
- Theatre. What finer experience is there than the theatre? (I'm sure Harukagotchi can think
of several...)
- Park. Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi go to the park.
- Dancing. Hopefully Harukagotchi likes dancing.
- Gifts. Michirugotchi can give Harukagotchi several gifts.
- Candy. <3
- Tickets to a race. Michirugotchi might be bored out of her mind, but Harukagotchi will
appreciate it.
- Clothes. Give Harukagotchi some nice masculine (or feminine) clothes.
- Toy motorcycles and cars. These will do, unless you want to buy her the real thing.
(Michirugotchi thinks not.)
- Racing equipment. For Harukagotchi to use in her races.
- CDs. Harukagotchi likes music.
- Send Harukagotchi a love letter.
- Perform a private violin concert for Harukagotchi.
- Call Harukagotchi on the phone.
- Super Special Interaction. This only occurs after Harukagotchi and Michirugotchi have
developed a strong enough relationship. When you select this option, the lights go out and you
hear beeping. The more beeps, the more happiness. Less beeps, Michirugotchi loses happiness.
If you can't figure out what this is, then maybe it's for the best. Don't overindulge Michirugotchi
with Harukagotchi in this interaction, or else she'll start falling in other areas.
Miscellaneous Stuff: Other features on Michirugotchi.
- Clock: Set Michirugotchi's internal clock.
- Life: This feature tells you the number of days Michirugotchi has been living.
- Sound: Turn on or off Michirugotchi's sound effects.
- Lonely: Why should you buy a Harukagotchi, you may ask? Because if you don't, Michirugotchi
will never meet her one true love, and she'll get lonely and sick and eventually die. Unless you're a
sadist, get Harukagotchi!
- Death: If you abandon Michirugotchi for too long and ignore her health and other areas,
Michirugotchi will either get sick and die, or she'll die from depression. Don't let this happen!
- Reset: Reset Michirugotchi and start over.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is © Takeuchi Naoko.
Image of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune is © Shoko Mikuni.
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